Lily Unsub Vs Alexis K – The Misadventures of Pillbourne Delaney.
There’s really only one word that comes to mind when trying to describe this sound. This release rumbles.
Strident bass and lashings of grinding guitar hold all the way through this incredible album release, sometimes breaking open to rich melodic keys only to sink back into a swampy glue of glitch and sawtooth wave.
The album kicks off into dubsteppy high end and rolls over into dark wave metal flavours, with enough overdriven gat to make me play it 6 times. Even now I’m trying to review the rest and I can’t stop playing the title track.
The soundscape takes a meandering stumble through many genre’s from the upbeat, wonky piano on “Sophies Breakfast Blues” to the more classic DnB format of “Blushing Pilgram”.
My personal favourite part of this album is the clean high end. Icy reverb, washing, brushy cymbals and muted drums, floating synth and ethereal vocals. If you’re in on an aural experience, you need to check this stuff out.